I'm seriously at such a loss for words, like I could go on about how well the piece is drawn up and framed but the real value is in the hauntingly beautiful message. And looking at your other works this is just one of many, definitely going to be following you! I doubt you remember, but I was looking back on my old posts and read this really positive comment you left, then it hit me, "I never actually checked their art". I remembered reading it and feeling really motivated actually, but guess I'm a few years late haha. Anyway history aside, this is beautiful, your entire gallery is beautiful, and I could spend the next few days just adding countless pieces to my favourites but I thought I'd just add the one that really captured me first.
Also, side note, do you know TravelBySheep? (a.k.a MorbidMorsel) She has a similar art style to yours and is pretty well known, so just curious.
Yeah ok I'll stop talking that's plenty, keep up the great work!