Hey everyone!
Now I know I haven't been active on NG for what... maybe, a year now? It's been a long time I know that much. But the whole reason i sorta gave up on this site was because I felt like what I was doing here lacked substance; the art I was posting in 2015 and 2016 looked all right but barely meant anything, so I just gave up on maintaining it. But oh boy how that's changed now! The last 4 audio pieces I've uploaded as of today are the four tracks of my very first EP titled "Corridor." and each one was a blast to create. This little EP has the substance I was looking for those years ago, and I wanted to kick off my activity on here with it.
So yeah, I might be on here more often now! From now on everything I put up here is going to have personal or symbolic depth to it, not just regular old sketches and whatnot, and I'm excited to be taking this step forward.
I hope you enjoy the EP! I tried so much different musical techniques and ideas to try and give off the message I wanted in it, every track is as vital as the rest in my eyes :)
And before I go, thank you for sticking around, love you all <3
Oh great! :D I would like to see your arts with a specific meaning :3
Luv u 2 ~